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The United Nations mission in Democratic Republic of Congo, says it has suspended some of its peacekeepers in response to reports of sexual exploitation and abuse.

According to an internal documents of the MONUSCO peacekeeping mission, sighted by AFP, the eight peacekeepers deployed in Beni, eastern Dr Congo were arrested on October 1 and an officer suspended a week later in connection with alleged sexual exploitation and violence.

The mission, known as MONUSCO, has faced previous accusations of sexual abuse which the United Nations has vowed to crack down on.

“Precautionary measures have already been initiated in line with the Secretary-General’s zero-tolerance policy for sexual exploitation and abuse and other forms of misconduct,”

The UN force said measures taken “include the suspension from duty, detention and confinement of the peacekeepers concerned”.

Although the DRC government has also been calling for an “accelerated” departure of the UN force from December, accusing it of having failed to put an end to violence by armed groups during its 25-year presence.

writing by Miracle Billy; Editing by Julian Osamoto

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